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Breast Imaging Consult

The breast imagers at Little Silver Mammography and HerSpace are often required to provide a second expert interpretation of a breast imaging initially performed elsewhere.

We recommend seeking an expert opinion from a dedicated breast imager regarding an abnormal mammogram reading before undergoing a biopsy. The outside recommendation is often reversed or altered. A less invasive option may be available for the patient if a biopsy is necessary.

The staff here is so friendly. From the front desk to the technicians. They really turn something that isn’t so pleasant into something not so bad! They are compassionate and friendly from beginning to end!”

What Is A Breast Imaging Consult?

When a doctor finds an imaging diagnosis difficult, believing that an expert opinion from a radiologist is necessary to move forward and produce an official diagnosis with a treatment plan, they reach out to our New Jersey breast imagers for an imaging consult. Our team uses its expertise in breast health to play an integral role in the official diagnosis and includes advice on the necessary treatment for that disease.

An imaging consult is a regular collaboration of physicians to ensure an accurate diagnosis and build an effective treatment plan. It may consist of you or your physician sending your results to a physician specializing in breast imaging for further analysis and an accurate diagnosis. It could also involve you or your physician sending proof of your breast abnormalities to our breast imagers and visiting our New Jersey breast cancer center for further testing to determine whether the mass is cancerous or benign.

Why Get A Second Opinion Before Undergoing A Breast Biopsy?

If your physician believes a biopsy may be necessary, we recommend having your results analyzed by our NJ breast cancer imaging experts before doing so.

While a Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) is a minimally invasive procedure, most people would prefer to know it is necessary before removing a portion of their breast tissue. Our team may also have recommendations for less invasive options for helping you get the answers you need if we deem a biopsy unnecessary, or we may recommend having the biopsy performed by the experts at our New Jersey clinic. Our NJ breast cancer screening team has perfected the imaging-guided needle breast biopsy.

Why Would I Need An Imaging Consult?

Our highly trained New Jersey breast imaging radiologists have years of experience reading medical images of breasts to provide women with the answers they need to understand their health and what is necessary to improve it.

If a doctor, not trained in reading breast imaging, finds abnormalities with your breast health, they will likely reach out to one of our NJ breast imagers for an expert opinion and official diagnosis.

We highly recommend bringing any imaging or feedback from a doctor, if they do not reach out to a breast imaging radiologist for a second interpretation, to our trusted team of breast imaging experts.

When it comes to diseases of the breasts, time is scarce, and if there is any concern for your breast health, you must get the answers and relief you need as soon as possible. If your abnormalities result in a diagnosis that requires immediate treatment, this must begin promptly to target the problem and slow advancement.

Getting a second opinion from breast imaging radiologists prevents you from undergoing any unnecessary invasive treatments recommended by your primary care physician. Your physician should not progress with a treatment plan before consulting with a breast cancer screening professional for quality assurance.  You risk experiencing treatments as invasive as surgery without knowing it is necessary.

As our breast experts have rich knowledge of the full spectrum of breast diseases, we can assure you that we know the best, safest treatments once we provide an official diagnosis. Our team of breast imagers at Little Silver Mammography and HerSpace will evaluate your medical history, current conditions, and lifestyle choices to develop a treatment plan best suited to you.

Pre And Post-Examination Care

If further examination is needed for our NJ breast imagers to provide an official diagnosis, we have some pre-examination care recommendations for a safe exam and accurate results, including:

  • Avoid wearing perfumes or deodorants on the day of your screening
  • Inform us of any current medications, previous surgeries, or possible pregnancy
  • Come to your appointment with no jewelry, and be prepared to remove your shirt and bra for your exam
  • Try to schedule your exam soon after your menstrual cycle, as breast tissue is typically less tender at this point

What Happens If An Imaging Consult Provides An Atypical Result?

If our breast imagers are concerned with imaging results performed elsewhere, we will immediately move forward with recommendations for further screenings.  We aim to provide an official diagnosis as quickly as possible so you can get the treatment you need. Screening beyond mammography will likely include a breast biopsy but can also include:


Does Insurance Cover An Imaging Consult?

Radiology consults are often covered by insurance if they are deemed medically necessary for a diagnosis by your primary care physician. Whether insurance covers radiology getting involved in your case and the amount of that coverage may vary depending on your location, the nature of your physician’s concern, and whether your physician is involved in your communication with radiology for a second opinion.

Can I Get A Second Opinion Without My Physician’s Involvement?

Physicians are generally happy to connect you with NJ breast imaging specialists like us or reach out themselves if they are concerned with your screening results.

We strongly recommend you reach out to breast cancer specialists, without your physician’s involvement or recommendation, if they don’t suggest getting a second opinion or are trying to move forward with a biopsy or treatment.

How Can I Get A Second Opinion On A Mammogram?

Physicians typically have connections with radiology teams such as ourselves and seamlessly connect you with us if you prefer to have a second opinion to ensure the accuracy of your diagnosis. You can contact local hospitals and clinics or even your insurance provider for trusted recommendations if you don’t want to inform your primary care physician you require a second opinion.

If you’re in the New Jersey area and seeking a second opinion on your breast screening results, our team at Little Silver Mammography and HerSpace has helped hundreds of women get the answers and assurance they need before going through any treatments. Schedule an appointment, and we’ll happily provide you with expert guidance!

Why Us?

Our team at Little Silver Mammography and HerSpace has helped put hundreds of women at ease as we pursue the clinical objective of detecting and diagnosing breast cancer at its earliest, most curable stage.

We recommend thorough research to find radiologists and technologists with excellent reputations, relevant qualifications, and glowing reviews. You can read some of our ‘real patient’ testimonials here!

Location (address, contact details, hours)

Office address

200 White Road
Suite 115
Little Silver, New Jersey 07739

Contact Info

Phone:  732.741.9595
Phone:  732.571.9100
Fax: 732.741.0985

Office Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri: 7:30am – 5pm
Tues, Thurs: 7:30am – 7pm
Saturday: 8am – 12pm
Sunday: Closed

Book an appointment

Feel free to book an appointment on our website or call us at +1 732-741-9595 to speak to one of our friendly experts and arrange your consultation.