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Breast Cancer Recurrence

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Breast cancer recurrence occurs when undetected or new cancerous cells begin to multiply after an initial treatment has been completed.

Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

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The warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer can vary from woman to woman, so it is crucial to become familiar with how your own breasts normally look and feel.

Breast Health Superfoods

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Research reveals that leading a healthy lifestyle with a focus on a wholesome, nutrient-dense diet reduces a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by 25-30%.

Not All Breasts Are Created Equal

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Each woman has a unique breast tissue pattern, consisting of 3 different types of tissue: fibrous, glandular, and fatty which determine a woman’s breast density.

“Am I Considered High Risk?”

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Every woman has her own unique probability of developing breast cancer in her lifetime that is calculated by taking into account biological, predisposed risk factors that may increase her chances of developing breast cancer.

What Are Fibrocystic Breasts?

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Fibrocystic breasts are composed of thick or lumpy tissue that may change the texture of the breast. The breast tissue may feel scar-like, firm, or rubbery and be noticeable through the skin.

Hormone Therapy For Breast Cancer

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There are several different hormonal therapy medications, and the right one will depend on your unique situation and history.